Besides his creativity with music, Matt has a B.A. in English from NYU and has written several books, articles, and short stories. You should check out his new book for yourself, but here are the first few lines:
Chapter 1
“For the past month most of Africa had been out of power and their respective governments incommunicado. The latest reports seem to confirm rumors that the most recent strain of the NP has become airborne in several parts of Africa. All diplomatic and military probes fail to return. Satellite reports confirm, Egypt has been dark and silent for over a week now and Nigeria is victim to the largest oil fire in human history. It can be seen from space with the naked eye. Team members of the American spaceship Valiant have even been able to capture the image through the space stations windows using disposable cameras. In South Africa, large bands of men roam the streets after weeks of riots. Medicine meant for the sick has been auctioned off at gunpoint in marketplaces through out sub-Saharan Africa. What can be seen shows no signs that the Unification Accord was anything more than a brief dream.”
“I’ve just been handed an urgent bulletin: Missing American Submarine Porter Vance was found beached on the shores of Greenland. All 110 of her crew died from what experts are calling the greatest single threat to existence of man, the NP. Discovered-”
“China maintains its Defcon 6 status for the second week and seems reluctant to back down. Many of their more desirable people have been moved to government complexes buried deep in the heart of the Himalayas. Like the age old saying-”
“A silo explosion yesterday outside Beijing....
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