The premise of this 'experiment" is explained on the home page:
Principles are universal, so let's invite the world to write a book about 365 principles, and principle champions.
Much is said in every society, religious group, organization, nation, etc. about principles. A few of these principles may even be listed, but in most cases, these foundation imperatives are left unlisted, undefined, un-researched, un-justified—and possibly misunderstood. To really understand a principle it is instructive to see it in action through a person’s life—thus the principles selected will be personified by a champion that exemplifies a specific principle.
The outcome of this project, the book, is not a discussion on the origin of principles. Whether we believe that principles are created by God, are the laws even God must follow, are created by nature, or by a rational human consciousness—they do exist. Any high school or college student who procrastinated all semester and tried to cram for the final exam on the last day understands the principle of the Law of the Harvest. It is universal--it applies anywhere, anytime, to everyone. Those who learn to work with principles are more successful and find contentment with life, no matter their situation. Those who continually bang their head against the stonewall of principles are usually frustrated and wonder why. What a great topic to engage the public in dialogue with the goal of coming to a consensus, compiling that work and publishing it for the betterment of us all.
Those who contribute here can have their name published as a contributing author and get the book at cost.
Byblos Press will own and sell the book to the public (those who sign up on the wiki and contribute automatically approve the author’s contract). Any additional profits will be donated to a charity selected and agreed on by the participants.
The public will discuss, make suggestions, and vote on the submissions and Byblos Press will maintain the right to work with the authors on editing final efforts.
I will keep you updated with posts here from time to time as to the book's progress and any interesting things that happen along the way.
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