So I am not going to get political here, just talk about manners. I was very disappointed with Congress tonight. It doesn't matter what party someone supports, but when the President comes to Congress and presents his case for an action, he is a guest in your house. You do not yell on live international TV "You Lie!" as Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina did. He not only went out on a limb--he cut it off. I was embarrassed for Congress and disappointed in our elected officials. Although shouts are a practice in the House of Commons of many Parliaments around the world, especially during Question Time, it is not the norm of acceptable behavior in Joint Sessions of Congress with a guest. That the guest in this case represents all Americans (no matter who voted for him--and to hopefully highlight my credibility that this post is not another political rant like so many out there I will admit I didn't vote for President Obama. But he is my President)it is doubly reprehensible. There is a movement to donate money to Congressman Wilson's opponent's election campaign. I'm not going there, but if anyone knows where an upset American can write in, let me know. It is times like this that I wish I had more than two people that read my blog. Am I the only one that also is to the bone tired of happy chuckles by Democrats that seem to say "in your ear!" to the other side of the isle and the Republicans that sit there with stern faces and arms folded no matter what the subject is(or with roles reversed some years ago)? Majority Party does not equate to Majesty Party and the Loyal Opposition does not equate to Log Jam Opposition. It is time to be bigger than politics and bigger than getting elected.