Someone with more wisdom than I will ever have noted, "Unproductive worry, like Parkinson's proverbial law, tends to expand to fill the time available." I have succumbed to this experience recently. Not sure where my various business efforts were leading--possibly into a dark corner somewhere to die a quiet death, I found myself nearly ready to throw in the towel on it all and join the masses in working for someone else in a mind numbing job (if I could find a job in this economy) that I had no passion for. After all I reasoned, "I have to make a living and take care of my family, finish the house I am building, etc., etc." While those are imperatives in my life, I woke up this morning with a Marilyn vos Savant thought on my mind: "being defeated is often temporary, giving up makes it permanent." I am not a quitter and I am going to see this through. But I also remember reading a saying on the wall of a test pilot's office back in my flying days that I am sure you all have heard: "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got." I won't give up, but I have to get better at changing to meet the challenges. And I have to do it with humor and panache. Check out the "never give up photos on this site--they will raise a smile and a few wow's:
So when I boil down the essence of Byblos Press, its Byblos Media division, the Treasured Principles experiment, and the other enterprises I own, they all have several things in common: 1) me (and my passion for these things), 2) similar philosophical goals of each company: connection (online and person-to-person), presence (removing social distance), and making meaning within a context, and unfortunately, 3) little or no funding... I will figure out how to make these issues work for me and I will keep you informed as to my progress. If you have any thoughts, let me know.